Friday, August 9, 2013

Marcella Eaton Cornett's Family Photos - Eaton & Davis

Dennis Pennington

Dennis Pennington

Zerilda Davis Eaton, Thomas Eaton's first wife
2nd wife Kate Eaton with Thomas Eaton 
Back: Sadie, Arvel & Oliver Eaton Front: Freda, Drue, Randall, Eldred Eaton 
Lucinda Seacat Davis

Columbus Davis & Family 
Fountain Davis

One of these is Cortez Miller Davis - Which one, Mama???

Mother, who are these guys?  One of them is Chesney Davis.  Is that Rudolphus in the middle?  Is that Andrew Jackson Davis on the far left?  Help!
Rudolphus & Rutha Jane Davis 
Rudolphus Davis Family 

Phoebe Elizabeth Pfrimmer

Rev John Wesley Welker & wife,  Phoebe Elizabeth Pfrimmer

Hey MOM!  This lady looks a lot like you!  Her name is Grace Winona LaHue.  Her mother is a Davis related to you, but I can't think how right now. 

Mama, you look just like ME!!!

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